Sunday, December 16, 2012

Final Draft of My Research Paper

Quyen Tran
Instructor: Dr. Roland Specht-Jarvis
Eng 191
The Development of Social Media in Vietnam
Due to technology’s improvement with the speed of a hurricane these days, social media services and networks, obviously, have become a significant part of the world and in Vietnam particularly. It wouldn’t be over emphasizing if one was to say that social media is considered a spiritual meal of Vietnamese in today’s life. Social media is everywhere and people are using it with a variety of purposes. The development of social media from the past until now has created a very different look of human life in Vietnam.
What is social media? “When we talk about media representations we are referring to texts (in the broad sense, which include images) that circulate in the media space and carry symbolic content: new photographs and articles, advertisements, radio programmes, YouTube videos, blogs, Facebook pages, etc.” (Orgad 230-17). Basically, if you are a user of Facebook, Twitter, or Blogs, you are in the domain of social media. Social media is a very broad term to define. It contains so many aspects involving communication. “The best way to define social media is to break it down. Media is an instrument on communication, like a newspaper or a radio, so social media would be a social instrument of communication” (Nations). Social bookmarking, social news, social networking, social photos and videos sharing, wikis, or simply television and radio are all social media.
In the decade of the 1970s back in Vietnam, social media was a very strange term. Vietnam is a very small country and at that time, it was not even a developing country. There were so many disadvantages for people lives back then due to wars. For a while, Vietnamese did not know about anything called social media due to the limitation of trading with the world. The only social instrument they had during the time of the war was radios. The 1970s was the time in which all the wars were in a process of ending. After the Vietnam War had been officially ended, it was the time for the government to repair and develop the country, especially social media.
Some modern machines had been settled in Vietnam in the time of the renovation. The most significant part of the renovation is the appearance of televisions. “From earliest history, media have shaped and directed human society and the individual consciousness” (Zyl and Tomaselli 168-50). However, there was only a small amount of televisions sold in Vietnam and people did not have that much money to buy a television actually. There are only some households in the urban area that could afford a television and rarely people saw a television in the countryside. It is very normal if at that time in Vietnam, you see a group of children standing outside of a household watching television through the windows, or even adults and old people in a village gathering together in a household who own a television with a demand of discovering, collecting information and acquiring knowledge through communication on the social media tool.
Compared to other countries and the United States, Vietnam needed pretty much a while to get there at the top of the development of social media. According to Enotes, “The United States as a whole may have seemed to linger in a cultural and political malaise during the 1970s, but the media were more active than ever.” This is a domination of televisions in the United States when varieties of programs are supplied to different kinds of audiences and ages. Also, in the late 1970s, the invention of cable and chances of watching television in color instead of black and white only, had brought televisions and social media generally to a new vision in the United States. “Advances in satellite technology and cable allowed the television news media direct coverage of international events, while the increased availability of color television sets made the medium even more popular than before” (Enotes). Also, besides the reigns of television, “Radio stations and magazines continued to cater to more narrowly defined audiences, while newspapers added features and whole sections designed to appeal to specific interests,” according to Enotes. Social media in the United States was much more popular and advance than in Vietnam in that political malaise time.
In the modern life, it sounds so impossible if there is a day of a life routine without social media. Social media has been improving rapidly from the past ten years in Vietnam. It has changed people lives there. In the leverage of development amongst the world, the improvement of social media in Vietnam is the most visible factor. Television is now a least tool of media which every single household, even in the countryside, could afford. The price of a television now is also very affordable and all kinds of popular brands are available in the market in order to supply a higher demand of consumers. People now need a higher level of communication following the development of the other countries. Television is no longer reigning.
It is the era of Internet instead. “It is certain, that we are currently in the middle of a significant change in the way we communicate with one another, a change brought by the Internet” (Poe 337-203). It’s definitely applied to Vietnam. If, in the past, people acquiring all information and knowledge through televisions or newspapers and contacting each other by mail or home phone only on the other hand, a variety of communication techniques such as cellphones, Facebook, or Wikis take the predominance in the present. It is no longer in the era of gathering together around a television or contacting by mail, it’s now texting, Facebook-ing and Googling. According to the statistic of Factbrowser, “Vietnam has 109.1 MM mobile subscribers and 27.8 MM internet users.” These statistic in the past might be just a super tiny number.
Social media in general has a huge impact on Vietnamese lives due to many advantages it has brought. Yahoo messenger and Facebook are some popular social networking tools which have been used the most in the country recently. Due to the open of education to the world, the number of students who are going abroad for studying is increasing considerably. As a result, social media became an important manner for students abroad to contact their family back home. Students could chat or call worldwide via Yahoo Messenger without paying any fee. Meanwhile, the family back home could also update their children status and pictures through Facebook or Instagram. What could be more convenient than that?
Furthermore, forums and blogs are now preferred as spaces of sharing and acquiring knowledge. Vietabroad is a forum of Vietnamese students abroad. This is an online community where all Vietnamese students around the world share their experiences. It is a free space for the students to comment, chat, or ask questions. From the forum, students who are new or are going to study abroad would gather plenty of useful tips and information from the long-year-study abroad students. The website Webtretho is another instance of an online community where people in all ages share their problems in the daily life and look for solutions from the other members. And then, the most “powerful” website for young people, “Zing” has attracted a considerable number of members as well as accesses. The site provides a variety of functions such as music downloading, news, trends, advertising, and so on.  Definitely, social media today is the best instrument for a person to interact with the community.
Social media is also where the target of advertising hits with an aim of approaching users. According to Factbrowser, “81 % of online Vietnamese consumers use social media to make purchase decisions.” As awareness, tons of new or even already popular brands depend on social media to promote their products. Some of the Vietnamese distributors such as Downy and Coca-Cola have seen the advance of spreading out trends and news. They have invested for advertising in order to enhance their profit by the power of social media. As a result, the profit these companies have earned is considerable due to the increasing consumption.
However, even though Vietnam has been making a revolution of social media, the country still has several serious disadvantages of moving forward. Until now, the predominant of population, who trusting and using the Internet and the online word are mostly the young generations. As a statistic stated on the Factbrowser, “97% of Vietnam Internet users ages 15-24 use social media.” The elder people ages from 60 or even some cases of age 40 are rarely familiar with social media tools such as social networking and the other searching tools. It does not mean that they are not aware of the advantages of social media as well as technology, but they have been certain that they are too old to learn and discover new things. Old people mostly still trust in the printed word such as newspapers, magazines, and televisions. This is a reduction in number of Internet users.
Vitenam, on the other hand, has a limited of credit card uses. Therefore, social media in the trading aspect is still a limitation. In the United States, along with stores and shopping malls, every single brand has its own online selling site in order to make it the most convenient for consumers to purchase products. Credit cards and some other payment methods such as Paypal or VISA are using broadly. Companies and stores therefore enhance their income a lot more. Meanwhile, Vietnam consumers need to go to banks and get through a long process to send money to sellers if they want to purchase stuff in distance. Otherwise, there is only one way left that the buyers get to make a ride to the local store that they want to purchase products from. It seems like Vietnamese are in need of a modification in credit card uses and online trading.
And then, the “lack of Twitter” also indicates a disadvantage of social media in the country. “On a global perspective, more than half of Twitter unique users (56.59%) are located in the US” (Lim). The statistic in Vietnam is not outstanding meanwhile. Most of Vietnam Internet users are not familiar or misunderstand the purpose of Twitter. People prefer Facebook with a percentage of 87% in users and 61% of daily uses (Jana). According to Do, “Twitter is for people you want to meet, and Facebook is for people you already met,” but Vietnamese still need times to figure it out and familiarize with Twitter.
“Despite the prominence of “Twitter revolutions,” “color revolutions,” and the like in public debate, policymakers and scholars know very little about whether and how new media affect contentious politics” (Turow). There was a time when Facebook was banned in Vietnam by the government. The reason is that “It may be easier for a hostile regime to block access to Facebook during a period of social turmoil than to stop people from putting fliers on lamp-posts,” according to Aday. It was such a hard time because Facebook has become a significant networking site. Its role of communicating is worldwide. Without Facebook, Vietnamese, especially young people seems to lose their right arm in their communicating purpose.  Facebook banned really limited the ability to updating news, interact with the world, or even makes a limitation in business. Facebook users, however, did not surrender. There were many ways invented to unlock Facebook which were provided in Vietnam. Young people, especially, would try any solution to access to Facebook because the role of it is significant, losing it means losing the ability to interact with others.
In conclusion, social media has been enhanced rapidly in the revolution of Vietnam. It changes the way of life obviously due to an open in social networking to the world as an increasing of Internet uses. Social networking such as Facebook or Yahoo messenger has become crucial not only for younger generation but also parents and elder people. Despite, social media in Vietnam need times to catch up with the world because of some limitations, Vietnamese lives are visibly changed in a better way by the development of social media.
Aday, Sean. Blogs And Bullets: New Media In Contentious Politics. Washington, DC: United
            States Institute of Peace, 2010. Web. 15 Dec. 2012.
Aday, Sean, Henry Farrell, Marc Lynch, and John Sides. Blogs And Bullets: Advancing New Media
            Research. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, 2010. Web. 15 Dec. 2012.
Do, Minh Anh. " The State of Social Media in Vietnam." University of Houston. N.p., 21 2012.
Web. 16 Dec 2012. <>.
Factbrowser. N.p.. Web. 16 Dec 2012. <>.
Lim, Yung Hui. "Twitter in Asia: Total Users, by Country." Grey Review. N.p., 26 2010. Web. 16
Dec 2012. <>.
Nations, Daniel. "What is Social Media?." N.p.. Web. 16 Dec 2012.
Orgad, Shani. Media Representation and the Global Imagination. Great Britain: Polity Press,
            2012. 230-17. Print.
Poe, Marshall T. A History of Communications. United States: Library of Congress Cataloging in
            Publication data, 2011. 337-203. Print.
Turow, Joseph. Breaking Up America: Advertisers And the New Media World. [Pbk. ed., 1998]
            Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1998. Web. 15 Dec. 2012.
Zyl, J.A.F. van, and K.G. Tomaselli. Media and Change. Johannesburg: McGraw-Hill Book
            Company, 1977. 168-50. Print.
"1970's Media." Enotes. N.p.. Web. 16 Dec 2012. <
"All of the Lights: Diwali and Social Media in India." Jana. N.p.. Web. 16 Dec 2012.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Rough Draft for the Final Paper

Impacts of Social Media on Young People in the United States


“Social Media Sucking Up Most of Our Time” (1) that’s an eyes catching title of an article related to the social media topic. Social media services and networking have become a significant part among American. It’s even not too emphasized if social media is considered a spiritual meal in American daily life, especially young people such as teenagers or young adults. Social media is everywhere and people are using it with variety of purposes.

I. Benefits of Social Media

   A.      The fastest way of updating

             1.       Webpages (news, information)

             2.       Facebook (Posts, status)

   B.      A tool to connect with the community

            1.       Chatting and contacting family

            2.       Commenting

  C.      A learning tool

           1.       Class blog

           2.       Forums

II. Drawbacks

Social media brings visible benefits to young people in the United States. However, everything has its negative side. Overusing social media tools could bring out the other side of it, drawback. In parallel with those significant advantages, social media disadvantages have been affected young people in their daily routine, college life, and cause a serious danger while driving.

Overuse  Ã  Deactivate, addicted, imaginary society,

    A.      Daily life

Living in an imaginary society, not real

          1. Lack of face-to-face communication skills, reserve when face real life, and subsidiary (dependent)

          2. Misleading

    B.      While driving

Last but not least, a problem seems to be not visible, using social media tools while driving or driver distraction has become an issue which kills people, especially young people

         1. Dangerous for the driver and other people

         2. Aftermath of a car accident

        C.      College life

         1. Distract from studying
Many college students find out that they access their personal sites such as Facebook or Twitter for no reason related to those benefits. It’s because checking Facebook has become their hobby. I personally a Facebook addicted person who would check my Facebook times per day that I cannot even count.

        2.       Waste times

Monday, December 3, 2012

Final Paper Outline

Basic Outline

Effects of Social Media in the Society

I.                    Benefits of Social Media
A.      Update news the fastest
1.       Trends
2.       Posts
B.      A tool to connect with the community
1.       Chatting
2.       Commenting
C.      A learning tool
1.       Class blog
2.       Forums
II.                  Drawbacks
A.      Subsidiary (dependent)
1.       Reserve
2.       Lack of face-to-face communication skills
B.      Misleading
C.      Overuse
1.       Distract from studying
2.       Waste times

Monday, November 26, 2012

My Topic

My topic is The effect of social media in the society. The reason why I chose this topic is because social media has became a significant part in our society's life. Personally, I use social media everyday in order to connect with my family and friends.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Review of Interview 3

My Scorecard 3

#1: Gerry, Jonathon M
 I chose Jonathon because he did an excellent interview and I couldn't expect anything else to see from the interview.

#2: Sun, YiHao
 YiHao's interview has a very good content and shows what he obtained in the interview report.

 #3: Takoudjou Tene, Gabin
 This is a well organized interview and it has a good preparation.

Review of Interview 2

My Scorecard

#1: He Xianping (20 points)
The reason that I chose He Xianping is because Xianping said she had done the second interview more carefully than the last one and I have seen it. I like how she improved her work. The interview is well organized and I especially like the way Xianping connected each answer to the next question. The interview about South Korea also got a "colorful" country report with a plenty of information and pictures which are very eyes catching.

#2: Phung, Trang T (20 points)
Trang also did a good interview which is very well organized. She obtained what she wanted to know from the interview and showed it in the interview report. I like how Trang ask a lot of questions in order to get a lot of information from her interviewee.

#3 Hyun, HanSole (20 points)
HanSole generally did a well done interview. She has a good interview report which contains some information which is obtained from the interview. I chose HanSole because her post is not very long but still gets enough requirements and it's easy to follow all the contents.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Third Interview - Thailand

Interviewer: Quyen Tran
Interviewee: Ehkhee Tut

The person whom I interviewed is actually one of my roommates Ehkhee. I’ve been interested in Thailand, so I thought of her when the interview came. I used to know some friends who are from Thailand, so I know a little bit about Thai’s people. However, there are still a lot of things about Thai’s culture and lifestyle that I have not got a chance to explore. To prepare for the interview, I made all the questions that I was going to ask Ehkhee and printed them out, so that she could take a look and be prepared for the answers. Since we are living in the same place, the interview was processed in our place.
Country Report

Location: Southeastern Asia, bordering the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, southeast of Burma

Capital: Bangkok

Climate: tropical; rainy, warm, cloudy southwest monsoon (mid-May to September); dry, cool northeast monsoon (November to mid-March); southern isthmus always hot and humid

Population: 64,865,523

Ethnic Make-up: Thai 75%, Chinese 14%, other 11%
Religions: Buddhism 95%, Muslim 3.8%, Christianity 0.5%, Hinduism 0.1%, other 0.6% (1991)

Government: constitutional monarchy

Languages in Thailand

The Thai language is comprised of 44 consonants, 32 vowels and five tones in Thai pronunciation, along with a script that has Indian origins. The Thai language, belonging to the Tai family, is the main language in Thailand although there are several regional dialects as well.  Other languages spoken in Thailand are Chinese, Lao, Malay and Mon-Khmer, while English use is becoming more prevalent in government and commerce. English is also being taught as a second language in secondary school and universities, which enables the English speaking visitor in Thailand to have little trouble conversing.

Thai Society & Culture

The Wai

. The wai is the common form of greeting and adheres to strict rules of protocol.
. Raising both hands, palms joined with the fingers pointing upwards as if in prayer, lightly touching the body somewhere between the chest and the forehead, is the standard form.
. The wai is both a sign of respect as well as a greeting. Respect and courtesy are demonstrated by the height at which the hands are held and how low the head comes down to meet the thumbs of both hands.
. The wai may be made while sitting, walking, or standing.
. The person who is junior in age or status is the first one to offer the wai.
. The senior person returns the wai, generally with their hands raised to somewhere around their chest.
. If a junior person is standing and wants to wai a senior person who is seated, the junior person will stoop or bow their head while making the wai.
. If there is a great social distance between two people, the wai will not be returned.

Buddhism in Thailand

. Thailand is a stronghold of Buddhism.
. Buddhists believe that life does not begin with birth and end with death, but rather that every person has several lives based upon the lessons of life not yet learned and acts committed (karma) in previous lives.
. Buddhists believe that selfishness and craving result in suffering and that compassion and love bring happiness and well-being.
. The true path to peace is to eliminate all desire, a condition which Buddhists define as 'nirvana', an indescribable state free of desire, suffering, or further rebirth, in which a person simply is, and is completely at one with his surroundings.
. Buddhism is practised in Thailand by over 90% of the population.

Hierarchical Society

. Thais respect hierarchical relationships.
. Social relationships are defined as one person being superior to the other.
. Parents are superior to their children, teachers to their students, and bosses to their subordinates.
. When Thais meet a stranger, they will immediately try to place you within a hierarchy so they know how you should be treated.
. This is often done by asking what might be seen as very personal questions in other cultures.
. Status can be determined by clothing and general appearance, age, job, education, family name, and social connections.

Thai Family Values

. The family is the cornerstone of Thai society.
. Family life is often more closely knit than in western cultures.
. The Thai family is a form of hierarchy with the parents at the top.
. Children are taught to honour their parents.

Thai Demeanour

. Thais place great emphasis and value on outward forms of courtesy such as politeness, respect, genial demeanour and self-control in order to maintain harmonious relations.
. Many of their rules of etiquette are by-products of the Buddhist religion.
. It is a non-confrontational society, in which public dispute or criticism is to be avoided at all costs.
. To be openly angry with someone might attract the wrath of the spirits, which in turn could cause violence and tragedy.
. Openly criticizing a person is a form of violence as it hurts the person and is viewed as a conscious attempt to offend the person being rebuked
. Loss of face is a disgrace to a Thai so they try to avoid confrontations and look for compromises in difficult situations.
. If two parties disagree, one will need to have an outlet to retreat without losing face.

Etiquette & Customs in Thailand

Meeting Etiquette
. The wai (as mentioned above) is the traditional form of greeting, given by the person of lower status to the person of higher status.
. Thais generally use first rather than surnames, with the honorific title Khun before the name. Khun is an all- purpose form of address that is appropriate for both men and women
. In general, wait for your host and hostess to introduce you to the other guests. This allows everyone to understand your status relative to their own, and thus know who performs the wai and how low the head should be bowed.

Gift Giving Etiquette

. If invited to a Thai's home, a gift is not expected, although it will be appreciated.
. Gifts should be wrapped attractively, since appearance matters. Bows and ribbons add to the sense of festivity.
. Appropriate gifts are flowers, good quality chocolates or fruit.
. Do not give marigolds or carnations, as they are associated with funerals.
. Try to avoid wrapping a gift in green, black or blue as these are used at funerals and in mourning.
. Gold and yellow are considered royal colours, so they make good wrapping paper.
. Only use red wrapping paper if giving a gift to a Chinese Thai.
. Gifts are not opened when received.
. Money is the usual gift for weddings and ordination parties.

Dining Etiquette

If you are invited to a Thai's house:
. Arrive close to the appointed time, although being a few minutes late will not cause offence.
. Check to see if the host is wearing shoes. If not, remove yours before entering the house.
. Ask another guest to confirm the dress code.
. Step over the threshold rather than on it. This is an old custom that may be dying out with younger Thais, but erring on the side of conservatism is always a good idea.

Table manners

. A fork and spoon are the usual eating utensils. However, noodles are often eaten with chopsticks.
. The spoon is held in the right hand and the fork in the left. The fork is used to guide food on to the spoon. Sticky rice, a northern Thai delicacy, is often eaten with the fingers of the right hand.
. Most meals are served as buffets or with serving platters in the centre of the table family- style.
. You may begin eating as soon as you are served.
. Leave a little food on your plate after you have eaten to show that you are full. Finishing everything indicates that you are still hungry.
. Never leave rice on your plate as it is considered wasteful. The words for food and rice are the same. Rice has an almost mystical significance in addition to its humdrum 'daily bread' function.
. Never take the last bite from the serving bowl.
. Wait to be asked before taking a second helping.
. Do not lick your fingers.
Relationships & Communication

. Thais prefer doing business with people they respect.
. Relationships develop slowly and do not flourish after one meeting; it may take several meetings.
. Always be respectful and courteous when dealing with others as this leads to the harmonious relationships necessary within business.
. Thai communication is formal and non-verbal communication is often more important than verbal communication.
. Rank is always respected. The eldest person in the group is revered.
. It is difficult for most Thais to say no, so you must be cognizant of their non- verbal communication.
. Watch your body language and facial expressions, as these will be believed over your words.

Dress Etiquette
- Business attire is conservative. 
- Men should wear dark coloured conservative business suits. 
- Women should wear conservative business suits or dresses. Women need not wear hosiery. 
- Since Thai's judge you on your clothing and accessories, ensure that your shoes are always highly polished.

"Thailand - Thai Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette." Kwintessential. N.p.. Web. 12 Nov 2012. <>.

Interview Transcipt

Me: Hi Ehkhee, today I’m going to interview you about Thailand. So what city are you from?
Ehkhee: I’m from Kanjanaburi which is in countryside.

Me: Do you know about other cities?
Ehkhee: Yes, I know Bangkok, Bangkok is a big city where have a lot of people.
Me: Okey, can you tell me about some highlights of Thai’s culture? What’s unique in your country?
Ehkhee: There are a lot of things. We live with our parents until we want to get our comparing to the US like when you are 18, you want to live independently. In Thailand, we live with our family until whenever you want to get out.
Me: Which age is considered adult in your country?
Ehkhee: I think 21 is considered adult.
Me: Is it the legal age to be an adult?
Ehkhee: The legal age is 18.
Me: So, normally, people are considered adult when they are 21, right?
Ehkhee: Yes. They are considered adult when they turn 21.
Me: Dose gender matter in your family?
Ehkhee: I don’t think it matters. I think everybody is equal.
Me: So there is no gender discrimination?
Ehkhee: Yea, it’s like men have more power but then it’s equal. Men have a little bit more power.
Me: Who is the head of the family usually?
Ehkhee: The father is the head of the house. He has more power than the mother.
Me: So, do women and men are equally going to work?
Ehkhee: Yes, they both have to work.
Me: Are they equally doing the housework also?
Ehkhee: Yes. In big cities, the father will be the head of the house but all of them have to work. However, in small cities, the father will work and the mother is staying home to cook or do farming.
Me: How about your family?
Ehkhee: In my family, my dad is the household. He worked in the big city Bangkok. We lived in a small city and he would send the money home. My mom didn’t work.
Me: So she did the housework?
Ehkhee: Yes, she did.
Me: How many children each couple can have?
Ehkhee: Oh they can have as many as they want. It doesn’t matter.
Me: Okey. What are some social pastimes, like what people usually do in free times?
Ehkhee: In free times, like us, we would play outside because we don’t have computers.
Me: Like in the countryside?
Ehkhee:  Yea, in countryside, we don’t have good technology, so we would play outside or do some fishing. Compare to Bangkok, in Bangkok, people would play some video games, watch movies. Yea, like us, we were just going outside to play soccer. We all just go outside and not just watch movies or stuff like that.
Me: Could you tell me a little bit about your hometown?
Ehkhee: It’s kind of small and there are not a lot of buildings or cars, or not a lot of houses.
Me: Is your country popular about agriculture?
Ehkhee: Yes, in where I lived, they have a lot of farming. They watch cows, raise pigs. In Bangkok, people work in factories or have a job and stuff like that.
Me: So, agriculture a big thing?
Ehkhee: Big thing, yes.
Me: So, generally, agriculture is a big thing to the whole country?
Ehkhee: It’s for countryside.
Me: Is marriage important that everybody persue?
Ehkhee: Yes, it’s is important to everybody to get marriage before they live together. If you have not got marriage yet, you couldn’t live together.
Me: Basically, how does your home country culture different from the US culture?
Ehkhee: There are a lot of different things like kids, they really respect adults. They don’t talk back. That’s the big different. At school, kids cannot talk back at all. When they have to say something, they just say it with their manner.
Me: Is that the biggest different?
Ehkhee: Yea, it is the biggest different between the US and my culture.
Me: Do you think that people in your country generally reserve when they meet new people?
Ehkhee: We are really friendly. When meet new people we will say “Hi”. When people come to our house, we would give them water, serve them, and sometimes, we would cook and welcome. We are really friendly.
Me: So when meeting new people, you would not be shy?
Ehkhee: No, we are not shy; we just consider them as our family.
Me: Oh okey. Is that just in your city or everywhere?
Ehkhee: That’s in everywhere but mostly in the countryside. They are friendlier.
Me: I heard that in your country, there are a lot of bisexuals. Is it true that there are a lot of people who want to change their sex?
Ehkhee: Yea, most of the guys, they want to be girls and they come to the hospital to change their sex to become a full girl. Some parents don’t agree with that but they just do it because they want to become a girl very bad. The number is getting higher.
Me: Do they hide it or they just let everybody know about their gender?
Ehkhee: Before, they used to hide it, but now, it becomes so famous, so they are not afraid anymore. Before, if a guy wants to become a girl, he will afraid that their parents are not going to stand him, so he doesn’t want to transfer but now he doesn’t care anymore.
Me: Is there a lot of people like that?
Ehkhee: Yea, I don’t feel like there is any guy in Thailand. Most of them become girls, a lot of them.
Me: So most of Thai boys want to be girls. How about girls? Do they want to be guys?
Ehkhee: I don’t see that. They don’t change, but they just become tomboys. Girls like girls. There are a lot of them too.
Me: Like a lot of bisexuals?
Ehkhee: Yes.
Me: About education, what is the education system in your country?
Ehkhee: I have to say that in the countryside, mostly just high schools because they can’t afford to go higher. But in the city like Bangkok, I think they would go to universities, like four years. In my area, they just only finish high school, and then they just stop going to college. They stop school and find a job. After they find a job, they will have a family. They don’t really care about education because they are poor and the government doesn’t help them, so they can’t afford by themselves. They just stop it at high school because in high school, they don’t have to pay for tuition, like from the first grade until finish high school. After that you have to pay.
Me: Do you know what the most important subject in your country is? How about English?
Ehkhee: We do have English. In our schools, they teach English and we have to know about it; we have to learn English.
Me: Is it not a second language?
Ehkhee: I consider it’s the second language in Thailand because we have to learn Thai and the other language is English. There is no Spanish or French, so I consider English as a second language in Thailand.
Me: Okey, so what are the different religions in your country?
Ehkhee: There are Christian, Buddhist, and the others that I don’t know. Buddhist is the most famous one like all Thai people believe in Buddhist.
Me: What is your religion?
Ehkhee: I’m Christian.
Me: So if people in your country follow Buddhist, do they really believe in it, like going to pagodas regularly?
Ehkhee: Yea, most of them are adults. Teenagers don’t do that. Old people they would go to pagodas to pray in there and do stuff.
Me: What are some holidays that you celebrate in Thailand?
Ehkhee: Hmm…
Me: Like the Lunar New Year, do you have it?
Ehkhee: Yea, it’s just like a regular New Year and Buddhist Stay.
Me: It’s called Buddhist Stay?
Ehkhee: It’s not called like that, I don’t know how to call it. And then there is Songkran, it’s in three days, but you have one to celebrate it. There are a lot of special days.
Me: So what is the biggest holiday?
Ehkhee: Oh and there is the Farther day. I think Farther day is the biggest one. The kids will go to their dad and pour water on their father’s pants. They celebrate it like that. Farther day is the most important day.
Me:  And you have the New Year just like in America?
Ehkhee: I think it’s the same which is on January 1st.
Me: What do people do on the day?
Ehkhee: They will have a party and celebrate.
Me: Do relatives come together?
Ehkhee: Oh, yea, they come together and have a meal.
Me: What is the most famous food in your country?
Ehkhee: There are a lot and the famous one is called Padthai, fired rice and noodles.
Me: So Padthai is the most famous one?
Ehkhee: Yea, it’s a famous food like everybody knows it.
Me: What is meal like?
Ehkhee: Basically, it’s the same to all another. In breakfast, we would have a cup of coffee or a cup of another drink. For lunch and dinner, you can have different meals and different dishes.
Me: Do people it a lot of rice?
Ehkhee: Yes, rice is the main food.
Me: How do you eat meals?
Ehkhee: We have rice and different dishes put in the middle, so that we can take it from the middle.
Me: Do lot of people in your country eat spicy food?
Ehkhee: Yea, they eat really spicy; almost people cannot stand that. Everything has to have peppers.
Me: Yea, I tried the food once that you gave me and I felt like burning.
Ehkhee: Yea, I feel like it’s just normal. It’s not even that spicy. I could put more peppers in there.
Me: More? That was very spicy and so hot.
Ehkhe: Was it hurting your stomach?
Me: No it’s not stomach but my lips.
Ehkhee: Yea, at first I couldn’t stand it too. Now I don’t even eat spicy food anymore.
Me: Okey. In conclusion, what things you do not like about your country and what things make you feel proud of?
Ehkhee: Things that I don’t like is that the government doesn’t help poor people with education. If we don’t have money, we can’t go higher for education. That’s why only rich people become richer and poor people just become poorer because you can’t go for more education. If you poor, you can’t get rich in Thailand. And I think you can borrow money from the government but the government doesn’t have financial aid that you can use to pay for school and stuff like that.
Me: What things that you like about you country?
Ehkhee: The place and the people around there, they are friendly. They would say “Hi” and when you come to their house, they give you water. Everybody is your family and they just smile to you. You will feel like you are not alone. If you feel hungry, you can go to your friend’s house and they will welcome you.
Me: I forgot one thing, if I go to your place, where would you suggest me to go to?
Ehkhee: I think Bangkok would be the number one and then you can go to Chiengmai because Bangkok would be a really nice place to go but it’s too hot, so you can go to different places. Chiengmai would another one. They have elephants and nice weather.
Me: Can we just see the elephants or we can ride on them?
Ehkhee: Yea they will provide riding. There are a lot of places. If you are a party person, you should visit Bangkok. If you don’t want loud and noisy, you should visit Chiengmai or Pataya to go to the ocean and beaches.
Me: Okey, thank you for the interview today.
Ehkhee: You are welcome.

Interview Report

This time interviewing Ehkhee, instead of giving me the information about Thailand in general, she mostly gave me a look of the other side of Thailand which is the countryside since Ehkhee is from a countryside. It’s different from what I imagine about Thailand with busy cities. People in the countryside where Ehkhee lived are very friendly and always welcome people to their house as Ehkhee said. One thing making me surprise is that there are a lot of bisexual in Thailand. Most of males in Thailand want to change their gender as well as females. That’s a different from other countries. I was really enjoying asking questions and listening to Ehkhee. Now I get chance to know more about Thailand thanks to the interview.