Sunday, November 25, 2012

Review of Interview 2

My Scorecard

#1: He Xianping (20 points)
The reason that I chose He Xianping is because Xianping said she had done the second interview more carefully than the last one and I have seen it. I like how she improved her work. The interview is well organized and I especially like the way Xianping connected each answer to the next question. The interview about South Korea also got a "colorful" country report with a plenty of information and pictures which are very eyes catching.

#2: Phung, Trang T (20 points)
Trang also did a good interview which is very well organized. She obtained what she wanted to know from the interview and showed it in the interview report. I like how Trang ask a lot of questions in order to get a lot of information from her interviewee.

#3 Hyun, HanSole (20 points)
HanSole generally did a well done interview. She has a good interview report which contains some information which is obtained from the interview. I chose HanSole because her post is not very long but still gets enough requirements and it's easy to follow all the contents.

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